ACT Today! (Autism Care and Treatment Today!)
ACT Today! is a national nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to raise awareness and provide treatment services and support for families to help their children with autism achieve their full potential.
Anderson Center for Autism
Anderson Center for Autism is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing the highest quality programs possible for children and adults with autism and other developmental disabilities. Equally important is their commitment to maintaining an ongoing education and support network for their families and guardians. As an organization, they will always provide an enriched and positive climate filled with educational, cultural, and recreational activities designed to foster continuous growth, independence, and social interaction. The center is dedicated to being a results-oriented forerunner of agencies by offering the most current program opportunities.
Aspergers Dating Site is an online dating community for singles with Asperger's syndrome. Its goal is to make online social interaction comfortable.
Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD)
Leading the Way in the Successful Treatment of Autism...The Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD) is one of the world's largest organizations effectively treating children with autism, Asperger's syndrome, PDD-NOS, and other related disorders using applied behavior analysis (ABA).
Global and Regional Asperger Syndrome Partnership (GRASP)
This is a not-for-profit organization specializing in creating support groups mostly catered toward individuals with Asperger's syndrome. But the gatherings are open to family members as well as anyone who wishes to learn more about the subject. The Hollywood actress, Sigourney Weaver even attended gatherings during her research to play an autistic woman in the critically acclaimed 2006 film, "Snow Cake." The group that Jesse attends meets the second Wednesday of every month in a Manhattan community center. But there are chapters all over the country and you should access the web page to find a GRASP gathering closest to your proximity. The gatherings typically allow time for newcomers to introduce themselves and discuss their specific challenges related to AS. Each meeting usually revolves around a specific topic such as "employment," "romance," "bullying," "obsessions," "anger management," etc. The executive director of GRASP is Michael John Carley and his contact information is GRASP, Inc.; The Global and Regional Asperger Syndrome Partnership, Inc. 666 Broadway; Suite 830; New York, NY 10012; Phone & Fax #: 1.888.474.7277; and mjcarley@grasp.org. Mr. Carley has served as one of Jesse's most valuable mentors and friends. He is also the author of the popular book, "Asperger's from the Inside Out," which is published under the same Penguin Group imprint as "Atypical." The Manhattan GRASP gatherings are facilitated by a gentleman with Asperger's named, Karl Wittig and his e-mail is kwittig@earthlink.net The meeting location will change starting in the month of April 2012, and stay tuned for additional information.
Online Asperger Syndrome Information and Support (OASIS)
The Online Asperger Syndrome Information and Support (OASIS) center has joined with MAAP Services for Autism and Asperger Syndrome to create a single resource for families, individuals, and medical professionals who deal with the challenges of Asperger Syndrome, Autism, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder / Not Otherwise Specified (PDD/NOS). This website provides articles, educational resources, links to local, national and international support groups, sources of professional help, lists of camps and schools, conference information, recommended reading, and moderated support message boards. The website resources are an addition to the annual conference, newsletter email, and phone support provided by MAAP Services. We strongly believe that all individuals faced with autism spectrum challenges have the right to and deserve, appropriate education, inclusion, support, and understanding so they and their families may enjoy the highest possible quality of life.
Wrong Planet
This is essentially the Facebook or Myspace of the Asperger's world. Its founder is a young man named, Alexander "Alex" Plank who is a popular speaker and role model within the AS community. This is a site in which to connect and share grievances or success stories with other individuals on the spectrum. While it is mostly geared toward younger individuals…it is appropriate for anyone who wishes to gain a more lucid understanding of this unique population or has Asperger's syndrome. It is also a valuable resource for procuring books, current articles, merchandise, media happenings, and engaging in chatrooms or discussion forums with other members. In 2008, the Wrong Planet began getting involved in autistic self-advocacy with the goal of furthering the rights of autistic individuals living in the United States. Representatives from the organization testified at the National Institute of Mental Health's Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee. In 2010, the Wrong Planet also created a television show about autism called, Autism Talk TV. Sponsors of this web series include Autism Speaks. The show is hosted by Alex Plank and Jack Robison, who is the son of author John Elder Robison. For more information and to contact Alex Plank visit, www.alexplank.com or email Alex at aplank2@gmu.edu or alex@alexplank.com
Dr. Tony Attwood
Dr. Tony Attwood, a native of the United Kingdom, is considered by many to be a pioneer and father of our modern understanding of Asperger's syndrome. He has authored numerous books and articles about individuals on the spectrum. His most recent work takes a heightened focus on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Theory of Mind, Special Interests and relationships where one partner has Asperger's syndrome. In 1992, Dr. Attwood also founded a diagnostic and treatment clinic in Brisbane, Australia that caters to children and adults with Asperger's syndrome. This web page offers a plethora of resources for parents, teachers, and individuals on the autism spectrum.