May 26, 2020
This event is being hosted by Jessica Leichtweisz who is a prominent advocate within the Autism Community. This is a chance for parents, caregivers, teachers, and other professionals to ask important questions to the real experts who actually live with an autism spectrum disorder.
Ask and Autistic Adult Webinar at 8:00 PM
This webinar is intended to provide Parents and Professionals a chance to ask a panel of Autistic adults your questions.
Who better to learn about Autism from than people who are Autistic?
this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...
Nov 12, 2019
10:30 AM Speech to the Education Classes of Professor Mary Kelly and Professor Diana Baker
Jesse A. Saperstein and his Awesome Protege, David Lieberman Create Autism Awesomeness at HWS
The college years are filled with excitement, wonder, learning, romance, and one last gasp at youthful shenanigans before the ravages of the adult world take over. But for someone on the autism spectrum, the college experience may seem more like a nightmare with a sequence of overwhelming transitions happening the same time during one’s freshman year where not everybody survives to complete their education. Jesse is quite attuned to this reality and will recount his sometimes-turbulent years on campus from 2000 to 2004 when there were not as many supports and knowledge about the mildest end of the autism spectrum. He will also speak about the good times as well as what strategies may improve circumstances for those on the autism spectrum and what well-meaning efforts make things worse. He will be joined by his former student and now-colleague, David Lieberman who serves as a teaching assistant at the College Experience where Jesse currently works as the Media and Activities Liaison. David is the first staff member in the nearly 15-year history of the College Experience who is a former student. David will talk about his time in a modified educational program that helps individuals with disabilities succeed when they would otherwise flounder in a mainstream university. He is a shining example of what happens when someone with a disability is offered a chance to thrive in both employment and education. Both David and Jesse appreciate being welcomed once again on campus and will do their best to give everybody a good presentation. Hobart and William Smith Colleges also has their own version of a College Experience and they look forward to meeting the students, too!
Oct 23, 2019
I will be giving the keynote speech to help the Brevard Achievement Center (BAC) recognize the outstanding contributions that local employers within Brevard County, Florida make as far as giving those with disabilities more of a fighting chance. This event will take place from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM at the Hilton Melbourne Hotel located at 200 Rialto Place; Melbourne, Florida 32901-3092
3rd Annual E2A (Employ, Empower: Achieve) Community Awards Bestowed by the Brevard Achievement Center (BAC)
The 3rd Annual E2A (Employ, Empower: Achieve) Community Awards will bring local community leaders together to celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month. Your support will be a critical part of recognizing the individuals and partnerships that help us create opportunities for persons with disabilities!
Jesse A. Saperstein will provide the Keynote speech. He is a best-selling author, motivational speaker and vocal advocate for people with disabilities. He is considered one of the most respected leaders in the Anti-Bullying movement of his generation. Jesse also has a form of autism called Asperger’s syndrome (AS). (More Info about Jesse Here: https://bacbrevard.com/3rde2akeynote/ )
The following awards will be given at this year’s ceremony:
· Employ, Empower Award
Recognizes organizations that create work opportunities in the community for people with disabilities. Previously Presented to the Brevard County Clerk of Court and USSSA.
· Moving Forward Award
Recognizes individuals and/or organizations that have made special efforts to assist people with disabilities in gaining new skills or improving access to employment opportunities. Previously Presented to the Brevard Zoo and Kennedy Space Center’s DAAWG (Disability Awareness and Action Working Group)
· Believe and Achieve Award
Recognizes individuals with disabilities who have made significant personal strides in achieving success in work and/or life. Previously Presented to Karen Kirkland of Carr, Riggs & Ingram and Jennifer Cleveland of Inner Sight Yoga.
Please plan to join us on October 23rd, 2019 at 8:30am to celebrate our community champions at the Hilton Rialto, Melbourne!
item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's att
Oct 21, 2019
This speech will take place 9:30 AM at Blind Brook High School located on 840 King Street; Rye Brook, NY 10573. It is not open to the public.
"Creating Connections" Assembly with the Students of Blind Brook Elementary School
I am helping with an initiative within the Blind Brook School District called Creating Connections. It is an annual, week-long effort that educates students about various disabilities, emphasizes that we are all different, unique individuals with various strengths and challenges, and promotes tolerance and inclusiveness. I would like to show my appreciation to Lori Wengrofsky and Tracy Taylor who is the principal of Blind Brook Elementary School for inviting me as well as helping with preparing my words for 4th and 5thgrade students who I know will receive me with receptive minds. I am going to speak about what it was like for me growing up with a case of Asperger’s syndrome that was not diagnosed until the age of 14. There will be an emphasis on how things have finally changed even though they will never be perfect. The qualities that people did not care as much about when I was younger or chose to ridicule are now celebrated at the age of 37 in my current career at Living Resources, Inc.
Aug 21, 2019
Conference venue: Marriott South Austin
Integral Care Conference in Austin, TX
I am very pleased to be speaking to Direct Care Professionals on how to give my peers the greatest chance to succeed and some of the strategies to help them reach their potential. The staff within Integral Care are dedicated professionals and am happy they have reached out to me as someone who is on the autism spectrum to give their individuals more of a fighting chance. Sometimes the best advice comes from someone who has walked in the same shoes.
May 02, 2019
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm 1441 Broadway, 6th Floor New York, New York 10018
GRASP's 16th Annual Event
We are excited to have Jesse A. Saperstein, Brian J. Liston, Emanuel Frowner, Nadya Gomez, Archie Brechin, and Amy Gravino speaking at next week's event. If you are unable to attend or contribute, you can still help GRASP make an impact by sharing this email! Jesse A. Saperstein will be speaking about his employment journey.
Apr 28, 2019
Stringham Park; 78 Stringham Road; Lagrangeville, NY 12540; 9:00 AM Check-In - 10:00 AM Walk
Autism Awareness Community Walk for Autism Directory Service, Inc.
Hello Everybody in the Autism Community and anybody who wants to get exercise among passionate people! It is my pleasure to participate in the Autism Awareness Community Walk tomorrow on Sunday, April 28, 2019. I am going to be signing books and having an amazing time at the beginning of springtime. Let's pray for merciful weather and am hoping to see you around 10:00 AM. (If you are a vendor then check-in is 9:00 AM.) Thank you to Karen Kosack and everybody else for making this day come to fruition especially considering there was no walk at the Rhinebeck Fairgrounds this year. The show must go on and our energy cannot possibly be stamped out! It has been a fun-packed Autism Awareness Month and the most incredible birthday of my life on Tuesday, April 2nd! Let's support our children and grown adults as we seek to alleviate bullying, near-constant rejection, and unemployment. So much of the suffering among those on the autism spectrum is unnecessary and we can always strive to do better!
May 04, 2019
Victor C. Waryas Park; 29 North Water Street; Poughkeepsie, NY 12601; 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
8th Annual Riverkeeper Sweep: Waryas Park Shoreline
Join Dutchess Outreach and Riverkeeper for a shoreline cleanup of the Hudson River at Poughkeepsie’s Waryas Park on Saturday, May 4, 2019, for the 8th Annual Riverkeeper Sweep, a day of service for the Hudson River.
Volunteers will meet at the shoreline in front of the Mid-Hudson Children's Museum Parking Lot. We ask all Sweep volunteers to wear sturdy shoes or boots, clothing that they can get dirty, and bring a hat, a reusable water bottle, and snacks. This site is suitable for elementary-aged children with proper adult supervision.
Questions? Contact site leaders Sarah Salem at sarah@dutchessoutreach.org or Europa McGovern at Europamcgovern@gmail.com
Registration details to follow.
The sweep would not be possible without the support of Riverkeeper volunteers and members. Magnify your impact at Sweep by joining our Sweep Crowdrise campaign! When you build your own Crowdrise team or join an existing one, you demonstrate your commitment to a trash-free Hudson and inspire your network to support Riverkeeper's work to protect the Hudson River and its tributaries. You and your Crowdrise supporters will become Riverkeeper members, and the more members we have standing with us, the more we can accomplish together.
Apr 10, 2019
Warwick Valley SEPTA; 225 West Street; Warwick, NY at 7:00 PM
Invisible Disabiities and What Educators Should Have Known about Me
WV SEPTA is excited to host Jesse Saperstein, Wednesday 4/10 @ 7:00 PM at the WV District Office (225 West Street; Warwick, NY) to share his story and speak on two key topics for our community:
Visible and Invisible Disabilities
What I wish my Parents and Teachers knew about me when I was in School
Jesse’s story is an optimistic message for those who share his challenges and possess special talents that often go unrecognized. Most important, it is a lesson for all of us who struggle with something. “When you cannot let go and want something badly enough, our weaknesses will inevitably become our strengths.”
This is an open event, and all are welcome. Parents, Caregivers, Educators, Community Members and even our little ones. We just ask if they come with technology to utilize headphones.
SEPTA has covered the cost for this event. If you would like to donate in support of future events, please use the link below:
Hope to see you there to hear the story of this extraordinary individual.
t? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...
Apr 03, 2019
TCC Norfolk Campus Student Center, 5th Floor Multipurpose Room (5509) at 12:30 PM
Tidewater Community College (TCC) Annual Literary Festival on the Norfolk, VA Campus
I will be proudly be reading passages from my two books as well as meeting with students after the book reading to talk about educational trends in America. I have never spoken in Virginia before and it should be a wonderful experience. My intention is to promote a class that will teach students about the facts of life whether it is how to conduct oneself in a professional environment or protecting ourselves from exploitation at the hands of people who do not have our best interests at heart. Education for those with special needs must be far more than teaching individuals what m equals in an algebra equation!
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